Announcement to Students Volunteers
7th ASLI Conference 2010
Dated: 03-04-2010
Dear Students Volunteers.
2. Confirmation of Commitment: Students Volunteers are required to come to the ASLI Conference Secretariat Office (AIKOL Level 2, near the main staircase) and confirm their commitment ASAP by signing up in the given form. Br. Rezal (PA of the ASLI Secretariat) will assist you (Secretariat Office Tel. No. 6196 4000 ext 3215; Br. Rezal’s HP: 012-2569855). He is available every week day from to 5 pm. Those who need accommodation during 18 May to 26 May have also to fill a form for stay at Mahallah. The deadline for confirmation is 9th April 2010 and those who fail to confirm will be replaced by students from the reserved list.
3. Training Workshop: The training workshop, which is compulsory for all students Volunteers, will be on 19 May (See Annex II for the tentative programmed). Students Volunteers have to be in IIUM at least from 18 May to 26 May. Those who go back home have to come back on 18 May at the latest.
Wassalam and best regards,
ASLI Conference 2010 Organizing Committee
Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws
International Islamic University