07 June 2012

Immature To Freeze PTPTN Loan

Law Students' Society IIUM strongly believes that the act of freezing the loan applications of UNISEL students by PTPTN in a response towards the promise made by Pakatan Rakyat to offer free education is a very immature act.

An election manifesto is nothing more than a promise made by a political party in the expectation that if it successfully come into power, the promise will be delivered. Political manifesto is a common practice throughout the universe and challenging any political party to implement its manifesto before coming into power is immature and unwise as the political party certainly lack the adequate resources to do so.

This act certainly goes against the vision of the government to make Malaysia an exemplary Muslim state professing the concept of 'Wasathiyyah' or Moderate Islam. The government should be matured enough to distinguish between interest of the people and unnecessary political game.

Islam is a religion that upholds knowledge as one of the most important aspect of the human being. In fact protection of intellect is one of the objective of shariah, thus any act that causes hardship to any people in pursuing knowledge is indeed an act of betrayal to the Muslim community and must be condemned by anyone that declare themselves as Muslim.

Law Students' Society IIUM urge PTPTN to reconsider this decision for the betterment of the country.


Fuad Syazwan Ramli,
Law Students' Society IIUM 2011/2012.

Read more:
Muhyiddin: 'Adil' untuk PTPTN uji dasar PKR : http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/200201
Menteri sahkan PTPTN beku pinjaman siswa Unisel : http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/200149
PTPTN beku pinjaman sementara waktu : http://www.sinarharian.com.my/nasional/ptptn-beku-pinjaman-sementara-waktu-1.54554

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