Law Students' Society IIUM is the students organization that represents the voice of law students in Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM. This society is previously known as Law Society IIUM.
30 December 2012
On the issue of 'Amanat Hadi'.
The issue of 'Amanat Hadi' which is a speech delivered by the PAS President during a political rally in Banggul Peradung on 7th April 1981 had been haunting the Muslim community for decades. Families were torn apart, communities were severely divided, due to this issue.
To label a Muslim as 'kafir' or unbeliever is against the religion of Islam. The prophet mention in a Hadith that when a Muslim accused a fellow Muslim as being Kafir, the accusation will return back to him. In a Muslim community where there is in existence a proper Syariah legal system, only the court should be given the right to declare someone as no longer being a Muslim.
It is time that we sit together to solve this issue. What we need now is, as brothers and sisters in Islam, is sincerity. This is not a new issue. This is a very old issue. The problem now is, it seems like this issue arises only when the general election is looming. It is ridiculous to think that in a state like Malaysia where Islam is the religion of the Federation, we are not able to solve this issue.
This issue, together with other religious related such as Hudud, should not be politicized by any quarters. We have laws. Section 31 of the Syariah Criminal Offences Act 1997 for example clearly mention about the crime of 'takfir'. If it is proven that he is guilty of the crime of 'takfir', then take action properly as we have enactments beautifully crafted by our assemblymen.
PAS President should be given a chance to explain his so-called 'Amanat Hadi'. This is one of the most basic principles of justice in Islam. An accused person is innocent until proven guilty and he is entitled to a fair hearing.
In another Hadith, the Prophet said, "if people would be given what they claim (without evidence), some persons would claim other people's blood and properties, but it is obligatory on the claimant to produce evident".
If we failed to understand this, who are we to champion the issue of faith?
Fuad Syazwan Ramli
President, Lawsoc IIUM 2011/2012.
18 December 2012
11 December 2012
Talk on human trafficking in UIAM
BRINGING HUMAN TRAFFICKING TO LIGHT is coming to AIKOL on 12/12/12 on wednesday at 2.00PM...! AIKOLians, come and join us for a forum by experienced International Law academics and speaker from CAMSA (Coalition to Abolish Modern-Day Slavery). There will be a screening of 'Not My Life', a movie produced by Hollywood producer specially to address this issue. There will be goodies bags and premiums given to early birds and refreshment will be provided. This event is proudly organised by LexisNexis Malaysia.
01 December 2012
Congratulations AIKOL Fest 2012!
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah who had given us the gift of Iman and had given us the opportunity to live in this world.
Being a student in an International Islamic University demands us to be different from others. It is not enough that we excel in our study but at the same time we are expected to excel in our co-curricular activities as well. It is a big challenge for us, to strike a balance between these two.
AIKOL Festival is one of the traditions being kept alive by the law students of Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws. Through AIKOL Festival, the students are able to participate in various activities that enhance both their intellectual faculty and also their soft skill.
AIKOL Festival 2012 is the continuation of a long celebrated tradition. This festival is one of the contributions from the Law Students’ Society of IIUM towards the community of IIUM and also the public at large. Various programmes are organized that will benefit both the students and also the public. Here in AIKOL we believe that it is our duty and responsibility to contribute towards the betterment of the society, thus through this AIKOL Festival, we continue to give back to the society especially from legal perspective.
Law Students’ Society would like to thank the Administration of AIKOL and the Management Committees for making this event a successful one.
Thank you.
Fuad Syazwan Ramli
Law Students’ Society 2011/2012
15 November 2012
Cancellation of Prof Aziz's Talk
Salam, due to unavoidable circumstances, we are very sorry to announce that we had to call off this event. Wallahua'lam.
But don't cry yet as although this programme is cancelled, there will be another programme, an Intellectual Forum on the issue of "Hudud In Malaysia: A Step Forward or A Step Backward?" on 21st November 2012. See you there! :)
p/s: Let's pray for a better academic freedom in IIUM.
13 November 2012
AIKOL Ibadah Camp 2012
you know how to read cases, you know how to moot, you know how to
extract legal principles. Hrmmm... Is that all? How about your solat,
your fasting? Is it as good as your legal skills? Come join us to find
out! :D
31 October 2012
09 October 2012
Mock Trial is back!
to you by IIUM production team, IIUM MOCK TRIAL 12: FAITH. Background
with Shariah legal proceeding, it's the first of its kind.
IIUM Community: RM4
Outsiders: RM6
Date/time: 11/10/2012, 8.30 pm
contact person:
FARHAN 0132225024
ALYA 0132225076
Hurry up! Seats are limited. :)
IIUM Community: RM4
Outsiders: RM6
Date/time: 11/10/2012, 8.30 pm
contact person:
FARHAN 0132225024
ALYA 0132225076
Hurry up! Seats are limited. :)
03 October 2012
Briefing on LAP 2012
LAP has been made compulsory (University requirement) for 12 weeks in your studies (effective from April 2009).
The briefing will be scheduled as follows:-
Date/Day : 10th October 2012 / Wednesday
Time: 2.30 pm
Your attendance is compulsory.
Thank you.
17 September 2012
Public Statement On K-Fiqh Cancellation By IIUM Authority
A university should be a place where intellectual discussion can be held freely without fear of intimidation from any quarters. It is such a shame that this esteemed university, who is proud to call itself the Garden of Knowledge & Virtue had chose to act as if they are anti-intellectual.
Cancelling program at the very last minute is very unacceptable. As a Muslim, we are expected to use our intellect, our power of reason, with guidance from Allah to provide ease to everyone especially those who are seeking knowledge. The purpose of the Revelation as the blessing for the whole world should be adapted in our act and decision. The discretionary power given to us must be used wisely with the concept of ihsan in our heart.
This is not the first time such issue arises. We had witnessed another program organized during the previous academic year by the Law Students' Society IIUM which is In-Person With Dato' Saifuddin Abdullah, had also been cancelled with the same reason which is AUKU.
The university must free itself from any political influence whether from the outside or from the inside. Remember, there is a different between a university, and a kindergarten with the label, "University".
Fuad Syazwan Ramli
Law Students' Society IIUM 2011/2012
03 September 2012
Welcome to the Garden of Knowledge & Virtue! :)
Welcome to the Garden of Knowledge & Virtue! :)
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Lao-tzu
14 August 2012
14 July 2012
12 July 2012
Aziz Bari’s case: ‘Sir, You Pressed The Wrong Button.’
By: Fuad Syazwan Ramli*
The issue of the suspension of Prof Aziz Bari had
brought UIA under the spotlight again. After the mysterious story behind the
Ustaz Azhar Idrus’s talk, now UIA’s credibility is being scrutinized again.
Legally speaking, UIA may or may not be right.
The suspension of Prof Aziz Bari is made according to the Staff Disciplinary
Rules 2005 of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Section 21
gives UIA the power to suspend its staff pending an inquiry. The section read:
21. The
University may suspend a staff member under this rule pending an inquiry into
the alleged breach of discipline by the staff member. The period of suspension
will depend on the reasonable time required to carry out an investigation and
conclude the inquiry into the alleged breach of discipline.
Even though UIA has the power to suspend, the
power is not compulsory. The word "may" indicates a discretionary
power. It gives the university two choices to make, whether or not to suspend
Prof Aziz. So why should the university straight away jump to the suspension
button? Who gives the advice to the Rector? Did the adviser think of the
consequences of using this method? Against a man with credibility and huge
followers like Prof Aziz? In Jain’s words, “An authority vested with discretion
has to apply its mind to the facts and circumstances of the case before taking
an action. If it passes an order mechanically without applying its mind, its
act will be ultra vires.”[1]
Under the law as well, the authority is expected
to decide each case based on its own merits and cannot simply apply the same
procedure to every single case. This rule is called the “fettering discretion”.
So, did the university consider this case thoroughly? Looking at the
circumstances surrounding this issue, Prof Aziz is known to be an outspoken
academician, most of the time his comments are against the interest of the
ruling party. And that is why the police reports, remarks made against him were
made by politicians. This surely creates tension. The university must expect
that the oppositions will use this issue to retaliate against their political
enemy as well. Suspending Prof Aziz will be seen as unfair and just following
orders from the Government. Politic is based on perception, people judge us
based on our acts.
Section 20 of the same Rules also states that the
alleged lecturer must be given an opportunity to be heard.
20. In all
disciplinary proceedings by the University, no staff of being member shall be
subject to disciplinary action unless he has heard been informed in writing of
the grounds on which it is proposed to take action against him and has been
afforded a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
In Prof Aziz Bari's case, he was just been issued
with the show cause letter. The university should give him the opportunity to
explain his remarks first, then only conduct an inquiry. This can help the
university avoid suspicious from the outsiders and the community of UIA.
Without the explanation from Prof Aziz, how can the community expect the university
to conduct a fair and just inquiry? Analyze the explanation from him first and
from that, conduct an internal inquiry. Don’t have to straight jump to the
suspension button although the authority has the right to do so.
Prof Aziz Bari is the pearl of UIA. He is a great
asset for UIA. When the issue first arise, with remarks and police reports made
against him by politicians, the university did nothing to defend him. For two
consecutive days, he was made headline by Utusan Malaysia, a newspaper known to
be the tool of the ruling party. Allegations were thrown against Prof Aziz
Bari. Instead of protecting him, the university decided to show him the show
cause letter. By doing this, it shows that the university is also interested to
be involved with the game played by the politicians. The statement issued by
Prof Aziz was published in Malaysiakini. Is it too hard for the university
administrators to read the statement themselves? Why must the authority let the
words of the idiots undermine its intellectuality by listening to them?
The university should be wise enough to think
about the reaction of the public. Do all the public ever read the Staff
Disciplinary Rules? The authority must choose its action wisely. This is not
the first time Prof Aziz made such statement. He had even published books about
this issue. The university should issue a stern warning against the politicians
who politicized this issue. The authority should be protecting the intellectual
freedom, and make policies and decisions that can nurture this culture of
intellectual freedom, not the other way around.
As informed by Prof Aziz, the university is
investigating him for issuing public statement that is not in line with the university’s
interest. This is provided in the proviso of Section 15 of the same Rules. The
proviso is as follows:
that the making of such statement is not contrary to the interests of the
As we can see here, the term “interests of the University”
is ambiguous in nature. As an Islamic university, we can assume that “contrary
to the interests” means any statement that is not in line with the Shariah
(Islamic laws). This is the simplest explanation can be given about this
proviso. So, did Prof Aziz ever make a statement that is contrary to Shariah?
This issue explode due to the remarks made by
politicians. The story started when Malaysiakini published a statement from
Prof Aziz, which they received from his sms. Here we can see that the source of
the story read by the politicians is secondary source, already edited by the
editor of Malaysiakini. They did not see the actual statement sent by Prof
Aziz. So, to judge this issue, we must look at the content of the said article.
This article, and this article alone, should be the one to be examined by us in
finding whether Prof Aziz had breached the proviso.
These are the statements published by Malaysiakini:
akan berfikir sama ada dengan meletakkan umat Kristian dalam kedudukan itu - sesuatu
yang tidak dapat dielakkan berikutan serbuan ke atas DUMC - adalah benar-benar
mengikut ajaran Islam.
lagi, campurtangan istana dalam perlembagaan negara amat jarang sekali. Apa
yang berlaku di Selangor hari ini bukan sesuatu yang lazim.
ini, pernah terjadi kejadian yang lebih teruk seperti bekas menteri besarnya
merobohkan surau tertentu di Selangor. Tetapi pihak istana tidak campurtangan,”
“Di bawah
undang-undang atau sistem undang-undang mana-mana sekalipun, jika tiada bukti,
kes ditutup. Tohmahan dan dakwaan lanjut dan sebagainya, mesti dielakkan,
khususnya di negara seperti Malaysia,”
pasti, baginda menerima kuasanya diambil (oleh kerajaan persekutuan) dalam
pelantikan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri tanpa sebarang bantahan atau aduan.
Daripada apa yang dilaporkan, baginda menerima perkara itu sebagai fait
saya, istana perlu melihat kuasanya dengan gambaran yang lebih luas; iaitu
peranannya sebagai simbol negeri dan faktor penyatuan yang mesti mengatasi
parti politik. Ia tidak boleh mengambil kuasa secara isolation (terasing).
“Apa yang
berlaku hari ini, adalah contoh yang baik.”
These are the statements. Is it against the
Shariah to say that the King had erred in his words? Even the law that governs
defamation, the Defamation Act, protect Prof Aziz. If you do not believe me,
try and read for yourself, this following Section 3 of Defamation Act:
Notwithstanding anything in subsection (1) an act, speech, words, publication
or other thing shall not be deemed to be seditious by reason only that it has a
(a) to
show that any Ruler has been misled or mistaken in any of his measures;
See? Simply saying that the King had erred in his
decision and action does not amount to sedition. It was a clear wording of the
law. If you want to argue about sedition, you must refer to this act. And the
Act clearly protects Prof Aziz.
It is really sad to see that the university
administrator had failed to read the real intention of the politicians who
politicized this issue. They are not protecting the Sultan. They are protecting
themselves! The comment made by Prof Aziz is an honest comment based on his
expertise, the monarchy of Malaysia. So why should the university even listen
to the frogs making noises? Based on circumstances surrounding this issue alone
the authority can make a conclusion that the reports, remarks were made just to
gain political mileage.
No one ever expected that this issue will be like
this. This is not the first time Prof Aziz issued such statements. However
because of the fault of the intellectuals, and the university, who failed to
defend their colleague when he was being attacked by politicians had made the
matter worse. Everyone should learn something from this issue. When an
academician is under attack, it is not only himself, but also the freedom of an
intellectual to express his views based on what he knows. Everyone, especially
the academicians must defend their right. As according to Martin Luther King, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
year student of Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM.
10 July 2012
Intellectual Forum: Homosexuality, Crime or Right?
Intellectual Forum: Homosexuality, Crime or Right?
13.04.12 | UIAM
In the past years, there had been calls for review of laws relating to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transexuals (LGBT). One of the proponent, Seksualiti Merdeka stressed that it is the right of the community to practice their way of life according to their own way.
The statement made by opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim on reviewing provisions in the Penal Code which penalized homosexuality also sparked debates among the community. Bar Council also jump into the bandwagon and call for the government to review such laws.
The question is, should Malaysia legalize homosexuality in the name of private right of an individual? Or should public morality at large prevail? This forum is intended to serve as an intellectual discourse where all relevant quarters can give out their views on this matter properly.
Mr Faridzul Nasarudin
1. Dr Shamrahayu Abd Aziz
Constitutional expert, UIAM
2. Mr Lim Chee Wee
President, Malaysian Bar
3. Dr Farouk Musa
Chairman, Islamic Renaissance Front
Organized by Law Students' Society AIKOL, IIUM
08 June 2012
Beku pinjaman PTPTN tindakan tidak matang
8 Jun 2012
8 Jun 2012
PERSATUAN Mahasiswa Undang-undang UIAM percaya bahawa keputusan untuk membekukan pinjaman pelajar Unisel oleh PTPTN sebagai respons kepada janji Pakatan Rakyat untuk menawarkan pendidikan percuma sebagai satu keputusan yang sangat tidak matang.
Pendidikan percuma adalah salah satu manifesto atau janji pilihan raya yang dikemukakan oleh Pakatan Rakyat untuk rakyat Malaysia.
Manifesto atau janji pilihan raya adalah tidak lebih dari sekadar janji yang dibuat oleh sebuah parti politik dalam menjangkakan bahawa apabila ia berjaya membentuk kerajaan, janji itu akan dipenuhi.
Manifesto politik adalah satu amalan biasa di mana-mana pun di dalam dunia ini dan perbuatan mencabar sebuah parti politik untuk melaksanakan manifesto mereka sebelum berkuasa adalah sangat matang dan tidak cerdik kerana sudah tentu sebagai parti politik yang tidak mempunyai kuasa, mereka tidak mempunyai sumber yang mencukupi untuk melaksanakan janji itu.
Perbuatan ini sememangnya bertentangan dengan visi kerajaan untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara Islam contoh yang berpegang kepada konsep 'Wasathiyyah' atau Islam Pertengahan.
Kerajaan sepatutnya cukup matang untuk membezakan di antara kepentingan rakyat dan permainan politik yang sia-sia.
Islam, sebagai agama yang menjunjung tinggi ilmu pengetahuan sebagai salah satu aspek terpenting dalam hidup insan telah menjadikan perlindungan kepada akal fikiran sebagai salah satu Maqasid al-Shariah.
Maka sebarang perbuatan yang menyebabkan kesusahan kepada mana-mana individu dalam menuntut ilmu pengetahuan sememangnya adalah satu pengkhianatan terhadap umat Islam dan seharusnya ditolak oleh sesiapa saja yang menggelar diri mereka sebagai Muslim.
Persatuan Mahasiswa Undang-undang UIAM menyeru PTPTN untuk mengkaji semula keputusan ini bagi kebaikan negara dalam menuju Wawasan 2020.
Fuad Syazwan Ramli, Presiden Persatuan Mahasiswa Undang-undang UIAM 2011/2012
Pendidikan percuma adalah salah satu manifesto atau janji pilihan raya yang dikemukakan oleh Pakatan Rakyat untuk rakyat Malaysia.
Manifesto atau janji pilihan raya adalah tidak lebih dari sekadar janji yang dibuat oleh sebuah parti politik dalam menjangkakan bahawa apabila ia berjaya membentuk kerajaan, janji itu akan dipenuhi.
Manifesto politik adalah satu amalan biasa di mana-mana pun di dalam dunia ini dan perbuatan mencabar sebuah parti politik untuk melaksanakan manifesto mereka sebelum berkuasa adalah sangat matang dan tidak cerdik kerana sudah tentu sebagai parti politik yang tidak mempunyai kuasa, mereka tidak mempunyai sumber yang mencukupi untuk melaksanakan janji itu.
Perbuatan ini sememangnya bertentangan dengan visi kerajaan untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara Islam contoh yang berpegang kepada konsep 'Wasathiyyah' atau Islam Pertengahan.
Kerajaan sepatutnya cukup matang untuk membezakan di antara kepentingan rakyat dan permainan politik yang sia-sia.
Islam, sebagai agama yang menjunjung tinggi ilmu pengetahuan sebagai salah satu aspek terpenting dalam hidup insan telah menjadikan perlindungan kepada akal fikiran sebagai salah satu Maqasid al-Shariah.
Maka sebarang perbuatan yang menyebabkan kesusahan kepada mana-mana individu dalam menuntut ilmu pengetahuan sememangnya adalah satu pengkhianatan terhadap umat Islam dan seharusnya ditolak oleh sesiapa saja yang menggelar diri mereka sebagai Muslim.
Persatuan Mahasiswa Undang-undang UIAM menyeru PTPTN untuk mengkaji semula keputusan ini bagi kebaikan negara dalam menuju Wawasan 2020.
Fuad Syazwan Ramli, Presiden Persatuan Mahasiswa Undang-undang UIAM 2011/2012
dipetik dari: Sinar Harian
07 June 2012
Immature To Freeze PTPTN Loan
Students' Society IIUM strongly believes that the act of freezing the
loan applications of UNISEL students by PTPTN in a response towards the
promise made by Pakatan Rakyat to offer free education is a very
immature act.
An election manifesto is nothing more than a promise made by a political party in the expectation that if it successfully come into power, the promise will be delivered. Political manifesto is a common practice throughout the universe and challenging any political party to implement its manifesto before coming into power is immature and unwise as the political party certainly lack the adequate resources to do so.
This act certainly goes against the vision of the government to make Malaysia an exemplary Muslim state professing the concept of 'Wasathiyyah' or Moderate Islam. The government should be matured enough to distinguish between interest of the people and unnecessary political game.
Islam is a religion that upholds knowledge as one of the most important aspect of the human being. In fact protection of intellect is one of the objective of shariah, thus any act that causes hardship to any people in pursuing knowledge is indeed an act of betrayal to the Muslim community and must be condemned by anyone that declare themselves as Muslim.
Law Students' Society IIUM urge PTPTN to reconsider this decision for the betterment of the country.
Fuad Syazwan Ramli,
Law Students' Society IIUM 2011/2012.
Read more:
Muhyiddin: 'Adil' untuk PTPTN uji dasar PKR : http:// 200201
Menteri sahkan PTPTN beku pinjaman siswa Unisel : http:// 200149
PTPTN beku pinjaman sementara waktu : http:// nasional/ ptptn-beku-pinjaman-sementa ra-waktu-1.54554
An election manifesto is nothing more than a promise made by a political party in the expectation that if it successfully come into power, the promise will be delivered. Political manifesto is a common practice throughout the universe and challenging any political party to implement its manifesto before coming into power is immature and unwise as the political party certainly lack the adequate resources to do so.
This act certainly goes against the vision of the government to make Malaysia an exemplary Muslim state professing the concept of 'Wasathiyyah' or Moderate Islam. The government should be matured enough to distinguish between interest of the people and unnecessary political game.
Islam is a religion that upholds knowledge as one of the most important aspect of the human being. In fact protection of intellect is one of the objective of shariah, thus any act that causes hardship to any people in pursuing knowledge is indeed an act of betrayal to the Muslim community and must be condemned by anyone that declare themselves as Muslim.
Law Students' Society IIUM urge PTPTN to reconsider this decision for the betterment of the country.
Fuad Syazwan Ramli,
Law Students' Society IIUM 2011/2012.
Read more:
Muhyiddin: 'Adil' untuk PTPTN uji dasar PKR : http://
Menteri sahkan PTPTN beku pinjaman siswa Unisel : http://
PTPTN beku pinjaman sementara waktu : http://
05 June 2012
21 May 2012
18 May 2012
On Irshad Manji
on behalf of the Law Students' Society IIUM, I would like to mention
that it is not of our interest to be involved in any attempt to invite
Irshad Manji to any event whether it is under our jurisdiction or not.
We can see that many of the things that she is fighting for are not in
line with the mission and vision of this society.
However in case of any quarters had decided to have her in their program, we shall respect their right to do so as everyone has their own preferences.
We strongly condemn the use of force, violence and vulgar words in opposing her presence anywhere around the globe. Ideas, regardless of how stupid it is, should be explained with words, not with fist.
We strongly believe that dialogue, in a controlled surrounding with specified audience is the better way to confront this kind of issue.
Fuad Syazwan Ramli
Law Students' Society IIUM 2011/2012
However in case of any quarters had decided to have her in their program, we shall respect their right to do so as everyone has their own preferences.
We strongly condemn the use of force, violence and vulgar words in opposing her presence anywhere around the globe. Ideas, regardless of how stupid it is, should be explained with words, not with fist.
We strongly believe that dialogue, in a controlled surrounding with specified audience is the better way to confront this kind of issue.
Fuad Syazwan Ramli
Law Students' Society IIUM 2011/2012
13 May 2012
[POSTER] AIKOL Grand Iftar & Hajat Prayer
To all AIKOLians, you are invited to join us in GRAND IFTAR and SOLAT HAJAT FOR FINAL EXAM. Do invite your friends together!! :)
14th MAY 2012 | MONDAY | 7PM
To all AIKOLians, you are invited to join us in GRAND IFTAR and SOLAT HAJAT FOR FINAL EXAM. Do invite your friends together!! :)
14th MAY 2012 | MONDAY | 7PM
03 May 2012
Kenyataan Rasmi Law Students’ Society Uiam Mengenai Isu Forum “Homosexuality, Crime Or Right?”
Law Students' Society UIAM telah menerima pelbagai respon dari pelbagai pihak mengenai forum "Homosexuality, Crime or Right?" yang telah dianjurkan oleh kami pada 13 April 2012. Segelintir komen yang diterima adalah bersifat negatif dan penuh dengan kekeliruan. Maka di sini kami berhajat untuk membetulkan kembali fakta dan menjawab tuduhan yang dilontarkan terhadap kami semenjak berlangsungnya forum ini.
Law Students' Society UIAM selaku badan pelajar yang bernaung di bawah sebuah universiti Islam yakin serta percaya dengan hukum Syariat yang telah diturunkan oleh Allah melalui al-Quran, Sunnah, Ijma' serta Qiyas. Ini termasuklah hukum berkenaan haramnya amalan homoseks. Kami beriman sepenuhnya dengan hukum ini dan tidak pernah ada sebarang niat untuk kami mempertikaikan ketetapan ini. Bagi kami isu tentang halal atau haramnya amalan homoseks adalah satu yang telah tetap dan putus dalam agama. Tidak perlu lagi pada perbincangan.
Law Students' Society UIAM walau bagaimanapun berpendapat bahawa hidup di dalam masyarakat yang mempunyai pelbagai latar belakang, budaya, pemikiran serta pandang alam memerlukan kepada dialog dalam menyelasaikan perkara yang tidak mempunyai konsensus di antara seluruh masyarakat. Isu homoseks ini mungkin haram secara jelas di dalam Islam namun tidak bagi mereka yang tidak berpegang kepada Islam sebagai cara hidup. Kerana itulah wujud kepentingan bagi sebuah dialog atau perbincangan intelektual diadakan bagi membicarakan tentang isu ini.
Law Students’ Society UIAM percaya bahawa umat Islam haruslah berani untuk mempertahankan hujahnya dan berdepan dengan mereka yang tidak sependapat dengannya. Maka kerana itu kami turut memanggil wakil dari golongan yang menyokong pemansuhan Seksyen 377B Kanun Keseksaan untuk turut sama membentangkan hujah mereka. Hujah haruslah dilawan hujah. Dan kami juga telah berusaha untuk menjadikan forum tersebut sebagai pertembungan di antara dua pihak yang berlainan pendapat. Namun penarikan diri salah seorang panelis menyebabkan tiada keseimbangan dalam susunan panelis. Sangat malang apabila individu yang dijemput untuk berhujah memilih untuk berpencak di laman jaringan sosial sahaja dan bukannya berhadapan dengan lawannya. Lebih malang lagi penarikan ini disertakan pula dengan tohmahan bahawa kami merupakan alat bagi golongan liberal. Satu tuduhan yang tidak berasas dan nyata sekali berniat jahat.
Law Students' Society UIAM mempunyai objektif serta matlamat tersendiri dalam menganjurkan forum ini. Kami berpendapat bahawa kurangnya pertukaran pendapat serta idea dalam kalangan pihak yang berkepentingan dalam isu ini telah menimbulkan pelbagai masalah. Maka kerana inilah kami terpanggil untuk menganjurkan forum ini bagi menjadi platform kepada pihak berkepentingan untuk menegakkan hujah mereka. Ini sesungguhnya lebih baik daripada menganjurkan demonstrasi di jalanan atau di padang yang seringkali terpesong matlamatnya.
Law Students’ Society UIAM berbangga dengan kebiasaan yang telah wujud di kalangan kami warga Kulliyyah Undang-undang Ahmad Ibrahim di mana kami telah dididik untuk mendengar hujah pihak lawan sebagaimana yang disebut sebagai “audi alteram partem”. Ini bukanlah kali pertama kami menganjurkan program sebegini tetapi sudah banyak program yang berbentuk kontroversi seperti isu relevankah negara Islam, debat-debat politik, isu undang-undang dan moral, isu murtad, isu rampasan kuasa di Perak, dan pelbagai lagi isu panas yang tidak berani untuk ditimbulkan oleh pihak lain. Dan menariknya kesemua program ini menjemput pihak yang bertentangan ideologi, pegangan dan pendapat dan bukan sekadar perbincangan satu hala yang tidak bersifat kritikal.
Law Students’ Society UIAM ingin sekali mengajak masyarakat untuk menilai kembali sikap kita terhadap isu perbezaan pendapat. Syeikh Ahmed Deedat contohnya seringkali mengadakan debat tentang isu seperti adakah Nabi Isa itu tuhan atau manusia. Adakah dengan mengadakan debat sebegini, menunjukkan betapa celarunya akidah Syeikh Ahmed Deedat? Kami percaya itu bukan sebabnya.
Law Students' Society UIAM percaya kepada prinsip hujah mendahului emosi. Kebenaran haruslah dibuktikan melalui hujah, bukannya dengan emosi semata-mata. Kami menghargai kebebasan akademik dan percaya bahawa di zaman moden ini tidak boleh tidak kebenaran mestilah ditegakkan dengan hujah.
Fuad Syazwan Ramli,
Law Students’ Society UIAM 2011/2012.
02 May 2012
Law Students' Society IIUM strongly condemns the use of mainstream media as a political tool to tarnish the image of political opponent by certain quarters. Mainstream media should be free and fair and not biased to any political parties or organizations. We must distinguish between political organ and mainstream medias where the former plays the role of propaganda machine while the latter serve as medium of information.
We would like to urge the authority to take actions against such medias that is playing active role in spreading vulgar news, exposing it to children. If there is no action taken then this will create a very bad precedent in the future.
As a country where Islam is the religion of the federation, we must uphold the Islamic values and ethics in every part of our life including in news reporting. Mainstream media should contribute towards the betterment of the society, to nurture the intellectuality of the people, and not as political tool.
“Indeed, those who like that immorality should be spread [or publicized] among those who have believed will have a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter. And Allah knows and you do not know.”
Fuad Syazwan Ramli
Law Students' Society IIUM 2011/2012
14 April 2012
Putting homosexuality in the right perspective
KUALA LUMPUR: Some of the most emotional and divisive issues in our society, specifically issues concerning gay rights, revolve around two central and critical questions: should homosexual activity be legalised or branded immoral and illegal?
In an effort to bring clarity to these issues, an intellectual forum titled “Homosexuality: Crime or Right” was held at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) here recently.
The speakers were Dr Shamrayahu Abdul Aziz, constitutional expert (IIUM); Lim Chee Wee, Malaysian Bar president; and Dr Farouk Musa, chairman of Islamic Renaissance Front.
Farouk (picture below, right) questioned state intervention in matters of personal morality, asking: does the state have a right to do this? He cited the sodomy case of Oppoosition Leader Anwar Ibrahim who was tried under Penal Code 377B. Anwar called for a review of the Penal Code after he was acquitted of all charges.
“Some people think that this Penal Code has some semblance to Islamic law. Since 1938, there were seven cases tried under 377; out of the seven, four were related to Anwar. It implies, to me as lay person, that 377 has been used as a tool to persecute a state opponent.
“Section 377A and 377B says it’s a crime to have adult consensual sex against the order of nature and it was introduced in the 1800s – a very archaic law, initiated by the British. Singapore modified 377 in 2007. It’s very important to have a clear demarcation where the state can intervene in this matter,” he said.
Drafted by Lord Macaulay in 1860, Section 377 is a sodomy law which criminalises “carnal intercourse against the order of nature”. The UN General Assembly declaration, which is not legally binding, condemns rights abuses against gays and urges states to pass laws to ensure that “sexual orientation or gender identity” cannot “be the basis for criminal penalties, in particular executions, arrests or detention”.
Human rights groups report that homosexuality is still outlawed by more than 85 countries and that it is punishable by death in several Islamic states, including Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen.
Arbitrary and uneven
The UN declaration on gender and sexual orientation discrimination was sharply criticised by Islamic countries, which assert that it would promote sexual behaviour that is considered socially unacceptable. The Vatican also denounced the declaration.

“The most important thing to understand is that we are born free with a conscience to decide what we want to be. Everyone of us must make decisions without coercion. If repentance is to be had, it must be sincere and it shouldn’t be done out of fear that the state would punish us,” Farouk added.
At the turn of the 21st century, criminal penalties for homosexual acts remained part of legal codes primarily in three countries.
Executions of homosexual men were reported in the 1990s in the radical, theocratic states of Iran and Afghanistan, as well as in Saudi Arabia. With the fall of the Soviet Union, most of the newly independent states, including Russia, moved rapidly to decriminalise homosexuality, but some Islamic republics still retain the Stalinist legal code.
Criminal law is, of course, not a reliable guide to actual practice. Applied to consenting, sexual behaviour, it is necessarily arbitrary and uneven. Enforcement typically relies on vindictive neighbours, police intrusion, or periodic campaigns of persecution which depend on the motivations of political elites and moral entrepreneurs.
Because it is a charge that is virtually impossible to disprove, sodomy law has long proven to be a convenient political weapon in the absence of legitimate wrongdoing.
Sodomy was a convenient tool for seizing control of the commercial empire of the former Crusaders, the Knights Templar, in the 14th century when French and Spanish monarchs grew covetous of their influence. The Nazi regime also used it to discredit and arrest political enemies. In 1998, it proved useful to the Malaysian prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who successfully imprisoned his political rival, Anwar, then deputy prime minister and finance minister, on charges of sodomy.

Public morality
Shamrahayu added that Malaysia is a civilisation and all civilisations will collapse without purpose or objective. She asked the audience what is their purpose and ambition as a nation and cited the Rukun Negara as an example.
“This [Rukun Negara] is the philosophy of the country,” she said, adding, “Homosexuality is more immoral than it is a right. To protect the rights of homosexuals isn’t within the philosophy of the country. From the legal point of view, the constitutional framework can’t sustain homosexuality as a right. There is no place in the [Federal] Constitution which allows homosexuality to flourish.”
She cited that article 10 and article 11 of the constitution, saying that certain rights cannot be allowed if they interfere with public morality.
“If we acknowledge the rights of homosexuality, it means we condone it and that’s something I personally disagree with. The whole structure of the constitution does not provide a platform for this kind of immorality to become a right. Even if we separate religion from country, we cannot separate individuality from morality. It’s natural for humans to have ethics within themselves. If we don’t have a touchstone, we will follow human whims and fancies. [If you] allow this, then I am worried that drunkards will be bus drivers and rapists will be taking care of playgrounds.
“It’s not about Islam, but about all religious Malaysians. We just want peace and you will not have peace if the majority isn’t happy. If you do something in the privacy of your own home, then it’s fine. But when you do it in public, it’s upsetting the rest and it makes them feel uncomfortable – it’s like the Malay saying, ‘Jangan bakar kelambu kerana marahkan nyamuk’,” she said.

Food for thought on the matter was served by Lim (right), who asked the audience to consider two questions at a personal level: Do they know of any loved ones who are members of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community or suspect that they might be, and do they think these people deserved to be persecuted, condemned and imprisoned?
“Section 377A and B, which is incidentally a colonial inheritance, does not discriminate between homosexual and heterosexual sex acts. A woman giving a man oral sex is considered a crime under Section 377; so are we going to prosecute a heterosexual couple for this act? Many things are [considered] sins in this world… If you look at the French law, Napoleon took out homosexuality as a crime in 1810. There is the issue of privacy to think about and consider,” he said.
Western ideology
Shamrayahu felt that the quest for gay rights is more of a western idealogy. “Do we want to be like the Netherlands which is now allowing civil relationships between same sex couples?”
Shamrayahu felt that the quest for gay rights is more of a western idealogy. “Do we want to be like the Netherlands which is now allowing civil relationships between same sex couples?”
To this, Lim gave the example of non-western countries, like India where the Delhi High Court struck down Section 377 A and B because they found that it was unconstitutional, citing that it hinders HIV+ schemes of education in schools.
“It’s not a question about the West versus the East. Among other countries that have struck off Section 377 are Cambodia, Japan, Laos, the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand. Where does it say in our constitution that sexual minorities are supposed to be persecuted, humiliated?” he asked. Incidentally, The Netherlands has the lowest HIV rate in the world.
Lim added that the Malaysian LGBT community is suffering and stressed that Seksualiti Merdeka is not about promoting free sex; it’s only about a group of people who want to share personal accounts about how they have been discriminated against.
“The situation is very sad. We should all just keep an open mind and think about the things we are saying here. Malaysians are very peaceful people. If we abolish Section 377A or B, do you think the gay community is going to have mardi gras to celebrate it? No, they won’t because this is matter of privacy and right. A right not to be persecuted, humiliated or discriminated against at its lowest common denominator,” he said.
From what was gathered at the forum, it’s plainly obvious that there is a need for a broader conceptual shift in the understanding of sexuality. Rather than having moralistic laws that maintain the hierarchy of the natural and the unnatural, there is a need for laws that recognise sexuality as a positive aspect of human life.
- taken from: Free Malaysia Today
08 April 2012
03 April 2012
[POSTER] Does Islam Discriminate Women?
18 March 2012
06 March 2012
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